Bucuresti, Calea Floreasca 35, Romania
Because we continuously invest in innovations, we are able to apply sophisticated state-of-the-art technologies in dentistry in the procedures we perform and create the desired smiles in the shortest possible time. We offer our patients from all over the world services created according to international standards. We are experts in solving dental cases such as dental implants, cosmetic dentistry and other dental problems. In our clinic you can benefit from all treatments, from the simplest to the most complex: from a dental implant to a complete smile reconstruction. From periodontal surgery to routine maintenance. From simple teeth whitening to porcelain veneers and ceramic crowns.
Îți vom transforma complet zâmbetul cu ajutorul celor mai estetice fatete si coroane dentare din materiale ceramice: Emax/zirconiu, care te ajută să obții culoarea și forma dinților pe care ti-ai dorit-o mereu! Cel mai bun pret cu cea mai buna calitate. Mai jos poti vedea diferentele de pret dintre Romania si alte tari asa poti stabili cat de avantajoasa este oferta de fatete dentare: